import { Wallet, getWalletConnectConnector } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
export interface MyWalletOptions {
projectId: string;
export const rainbow = ({ projectId }: MyWalletOptions): Wallet => ({
id: 'my-wallet',
name: 'My Wallet',
iconUrl: '',
iconBackground: '#0c2f78',
downloadUrls: {
android: '',
ios: '',
chrome: '',
qrCode: 'https://my-wallet/qr',
mobile: {
getUri: (uri: string) => uri,
qrCode: {
getUri: (uri: string) => uri,
instructions: {
learnMoreUrl: 'https://my-wallet/learn-more',
steps: [
'We recommend putting My Wallet on your home screen for faster access to your wallet.',
step: 'install',
title: 'Open the My Wallet app',
'After you scan, a connection prompt will appear for you to connect your wallet.',
step: 'scan',
title: 'Tap the scan button',
extension: {
instructions: {
learnMoreUrl: 'https://my-wallet/learn-more',
steps: [
'We recommend pinning My Wallet to your taskbar for quicker access to your wallet.',
step: 'install',
title: 'Install the My Wallet extension',
'Be sure to back up your wallet using a secure method. Never share your secret phrase with anyone.',
step: 'create',
title: 'Create or Import a Wallet',
'Once you set up your wallet, click below to refresh the browser and load up the extension.',
step: 'refresh',
title: 'Refresh your browser',
createConnector: getWalletConnectConnector({ projectId }),